The Gospel
Formed for an amazing purpose – yet fallen so far. A world created in pure harmony – yet corrupted and destroyed by evil rebellion. Each playing our part: for no one is good… not even one. The tragic reality of the human condition is that we each, in our own way, have turned our backs on the very God who gave us life. We each have violated His laws; we have trampled upon what is truly good, truly honourable, truly just. As criminals before a most holy Judge, we each deserve to face justice… But the very God against whom we have so rebelled has done something extraordinary: He has paved the path of reconciliation. He has earned for us the means by which we can be totally and completely forgiven for our rebellion; by which we can be made right with Him once more.
It’s the story of good overcoming evil; of light overcoming darkness; of life overcoming death.
Here is that story: